Ingratitude! thou marble-hearted fiend...

“Ingratitude is treason to mankind.” James Thomson

Thursday 12 January 2012

I'm sick of nude.


  1. By the end of that video clip I was sick of Tom. And, he takes 3-5 baths a day?!

    1. I accept that we are all self-centred beings to some degree, but most of us regulate our expression of our self-centredness.

      And yeah, the bath thing is just weird.

  2. How stressed can you be if you've got the time to take a bath EVERY HOUR?! I'd still like him to send me his lipstick collection though :-)

    Ali x

    1. Do you think maybe Tom is just getting into his heated indoor pool and he hasn't realised that the bath is in a different wing?

    2. punctured bicycle.
      you are funny.
      my new old bicycle suffered two punctured tires within it's first 24 hours becasue i have terrible neighbors.
      i love to hate tom ford. he is dumb. like madonna dumb. but he is also arrogant,like madonna arrogant and that combo has always fascinated me.
      last,i'm back. i've written again. such is newly single life.

  3. this made me feel weirdly whole as a human being. thank you.

  4. Oh poor Tom Ford...the only thing I ever learned from him is to use Visine whether your eyes or red or not. It makes them sparkly! What can I say (tongue in my cheek), this man is a "genius"...
